Marc Stallion embarked on his poetic journey from a tender age, delving into the intricate world of literature as early as the third grade. His passion for crafting words led him to excel as a performing spoken word artist, garnering numerous accolades, triumphs in slam competitions, and well-deserved recognition from the city of Houston. This enduring commitment to literary expression remains an indelible force in Marc's life, shaping his path with its profound significance.
After graduating with his bachelor’s in Acting, Marc continued his studies and went on to receive his master’s in creative writing with a dual focus in poetry and contemporary media. This education equipped him with a deep understanding of both the spoken and written word, enhancing his ability to craft compelling narratives and develop engaging characters across various mediums.
Marc has dedicated himself to crafting a vast collection of literary works, penning hundreds of evocative poems, writing dozens of compelling screenplays and stageplays. His unwavering commitment to creativity drives him to continually produce captivating content across mediums.
He’s currently teaching a few writing courses in the Content Creation Program at the American Musical & Dramatic Academy in Los Angeles.